Monday, October 11, 2010

Plan of Attack

When it comes to colds and flus, I am becoming an expert. As a school teacher, I work at the germiest profession in the world (yes, we place above plumbers and the sewage treatment guys). Therefore, at the first signs of a bug I enlist an entire arsenal of antidotes. See list below.
1) Eat radishes. These little plants are more amazing than antibiotics. In fact, when eaten regularly they prevent the contraction of viruses. I ate 21 in 4 days- or about 5 a day. The secret to getting them down (they do have a kick) is squeezing an entire lime over them or try eating them with a sour apple.
2) If you have a fever, drink lots of liquids. However, avoid drinking gallons of water. This will wash away precious nutrients and weaken your body. I opted for herbal tea. Yogi brand is on-sale now. They have an entire line of cold season teas. Or, a simple peppermint or chamomile works well. Don't drink anything below room temperature.
3) Eat soup. Broth-y soups are incredibly healing to the body. You can eat a simple miso (very healing), chicken soup, or vegetable broth.
4) Drink a little fruit juice. Again, too much will be overly cooling and ultimately weakening, but a glass or two a day will provide nutrients and hydration.
5) Use a neti pot. This ayurvedic invention is amazing. It is like giving your sinuses a deep cleaning.
6) Rest, rest, rest.
7) If you have a fever, avoid overly warming foods like coffee, spicy food, etc. Once your fever is gone you can eat some spicy food to help clear the sinuses. A cancer specialist in L.A. found that none of his Hispanic patients developed lung cancer, even if they were long term smokers. The secret to healthy lungs? Pungent flavor.

1 comment:

  1. With that line of defense germs don't stand a chance! I'm glad I'm related to a health expert, it will lenghthen my life and shorten my illnesses.
